Board of Directors
Irving Miller- President
Birthplace: New York City
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: B.Ch.E, NYU, 1955; M.S., Purdue University, 1956; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1960. Certified as a Commercial Arbitrator (American Arbitration Association), Licensed as a Professional Engineer (State of New York)
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: My late wife (Baila) was a gerontologist specializing in Alzheimer's caregiving research. When we retired and moved to Lincoln Park in 2000, we naturally joined and were active in Lincoln Park Village. When we moved back to Evanston in 2014, we naturally joined North Shore Village Network. My career was in academia, as a professor of Bioengineering, a department head and a dean. When I retired, I joined the Executive Service Corps as an Engagement Manager specializing in nonprofit strategic planning and executive coaching. My work on the NSVN Board is a continuation of that work.
Eric Hadley -Vice President
Birthplace: Skaneateles, NY
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Art and Computer Graphics from Marycrest University, and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Art and Technology, Electronic musician, and artist. Self-trained IT technician.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: I have greatly enjoy assisting members with their technology needs and questions and wanted to help ensure the long-term success of the North Shore Village Network.
Morris Fisher -Treasurer
Birthplace: New York City
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: I have certifications as a physician in Illinois as well as Board Certified in Neurology. I have had a long standing and serious interest in history.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: I think the mission of NSV Network is important, especially with an aging population. Seniors need to know of resources that meet their needs. They also need opportunities for social interactions as well as feeling both active and engaged.
Mar Sue Durrbeck - Secretary
Birthplace: I’ve lived all my life in the Chicago area, born on the south side, grew up in western suburbs and moved to Evanston in 1972
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: I graduated from Northwestern University after my two sons had graduated from ETHS! It was on my 40th birthday! I continued my education by earning an M.S. from National Louis University. I’ve always been a proponent of lifelong learning and continue this effort with both NSVN and The Alumnae of Northwestern, My career took a zigzag path, but always connected by the desire to help people live their best lives. I just retired from my career as a financial coach and look forward to making meaningful contributions in the future. Don and I met in 2000 and were married on a cruise in 2002 with our children and grandchildren. We joke that he married me for the condo, but the truth is, he’s the love of my life.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: I joined North Shore Village Network originally to share my expertise with its members. But I soon learned NSVN is a rich source of friendships, education, and support.
Linda Rockwell - Immediate Past President and Chair, Development Committee
Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: Bachelor of Science-Criminal Justice (Univ of Cincinnati), MS - Public Administration (IL State Univ); Certificate in Business Management (Bradley Univ); Certificate in Aging (Boston Univ).
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: Being independent has always been tremendously important to me, so I was eager to be part of an organization whose mission it was to support independence, as well as to be around others who see that as a value.
Donna Bergen - Board Member
Birthplace: rural Indiana
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: Attended Vassar College, U of ILL College of Medicine.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: I want to help others, and myself, to stay in our home and enjoy a stimulating social life as long as possible.
Bob Gordon - Board Member
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: BA Harvard 1962, MA Oxford 1964, PhD MIT 1967
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: I wanted to join the board to serve the community and to get to know interesting people.
Joanne Elster - Board Member
Birthplace: Cape Town, South Africa
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: Master’s degree in health systems management from Rush University in 1995.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors:I assist retirees from various employer groups in navigating the Medicare system. I want to share my extensive knowledge about the Medicare system and how to use it, how to find caregivers, issues regarding long-term care and many other senior-related topics to help North Shore Village Network expand its expertise and services throughout the north suburban community.
Jane Grad - Board Member
Birthplace: Rochester NY; grew up in a small town west of Rochester, Hilton NY
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: BBA Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, MBA Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors:I joined NSVN about 10 years before, I became active. NSVN is a wonderful social, educational and service organization for older adults. When my husband died and I was retired, it became important for me to expand my social network. Then, I needed to use the NSVN transportation services to get to several medical tests. After that I decided to give back to the organization that helped me. Now as Chair of the Program Committee, I am on the Board.
Jacki Kimel - Chair, Membership and Marketing Committee
Birthplace: Chicago, IL
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: B.A., M.A., Certified as Special Education Director through the state of Illinois
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors:I believe in the mission of the Village, to support older adults in many ways, and I want to be part of the process.
Phyllis Kravitz - Board Member
Birthplace: Grand Rapids, MI
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: I attended Miami University in Oxford Ohio and the University of Pittsburgh. I received my Masters degree from the Crown Family School of Social Work Policy and Practice at the University of Chicago.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors:I joined the Board because I strongly believe in the mission of the organization and wanted to have a role in its success.
Eleanor Taylor - Board Member
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: Eleanor lived in various states throughout the Midwest and attended several universities, completing her undergraduate degree at Northwestern. She earned a nomination for the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation; election to Sigma Tau Delta, Honorary English Letters Fraternity; an MS (cum laude) in Health Care Management, and a Professional Certification in the American Health Information Management Association. She held positions as Director of Health Information in several large hospitals and in a Health Plan with multiple facilities in the Chicago area. She was also Principal Associate in a healthcare company providing consultative services nationwide.
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors: Eleanor's retirement plan was to work 'til she dropped, but this changed when she read an article about the Beacon Hill Village and heard about a similar organization in Evanston. There were many opportunities to volunteer - as a driver, friendly visitor, helping foreign students practice their English, and many educational and social events as ways to learn and to enlarge her circle of friends. She experienced the satisfaction of giving back to the community, and joining the Board was her way of making another contribution to the Village to help ensure that it would be healthy, strong, and still in place for those that come after us.
Judy Witt - Board Member
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Education/degrees/professional certifications/special skills: BA, Boston University, M.Ed., Boston College
Why did you want to serve on the NSV Network Board of Directors:I believe in the mission and vision of NSVN, and as a member, must do my part to make the organization thrive. So, when asked to serve on the Board, I couldn't say no!
North Shore Village Network
P.O. Box 8070
Evanston, IL 60204
(847) 721-1413